Here we go, as previously announced… magic/summoning circles for your TS4 sims! 😀 They can be found under rugs and come in two different files, for a total of 14 different designs.

  • 2×2 rugs: 13 circles/symbols taken from Full Metal Alchemist, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (texture images converted from this TS2 set by Gabihime), plus a Key of Solomon, a Wiccan pentacle and a simple ritual circle (these last two were made by me). They cost §55 and can not be recolored using the design tool, as I had to merge multiple files in order to have all the recolors under the same thumbnail, a method that currently does not support design mode ;___;
  • 3×3 rug: Ars Goetia triangle and circle, in three different colors: black, white and red. Costs §185. This one can be recolored using the design tool 😀

One note: you may see what looks like an empty thumbnail for these in game. That’s because the game will show the white designs as the default previews in the catalogue… which are almost completely invisible on the also white catalogue background -___- I didn’t want to mess with the thumbnails, so I left them as they were D:

Oh, and no, the rugs are not functional. As in, you can’t really summon anything or anyone. But hey, you can still pretend U____U (in case you’re wondering, my sims in the preview pictures are just talking while standing on the rug :D)

or HERE (Mega)
7zip HERE (OneDrive)

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