Knitting awful stuff + giving it to Tyler just to watch him internally scream + selling art on Plopsy = Regan’s life is now complete :’D


Saw this hair, couldn't resist 😀 a little known fact about Tyler is that both him and his sister Regan used to love dressing up and cosplaying. Regan would make (most of) the costumes, while Tyler would take care of the props. So yup, the picture up here would probably be a pretty good example of what he might have... Continue Reading →

Siblings interview

I was tagged by @rebel-daydream for the siblings interview tag! *____* Thank you so much, dear! *O* Soooo… obvious choice is obvious: I chose the twins 😀 and I wrote A LOT as usual, because I just don’t know what “keeping it short” means :’D I tag anyone who has siblings in their stories and hasn’t... Continue Reading →

Character strengths meme

Tagged by remussims! 😀 THANK YOUUUUU! *____* So, I figured that since I made the negative traits thingy for the twins, I’d pick them for the character strengths meme as well U___U I tag: lyrea, reverieinsimlish, rebel-daydream, furryjackal, omgdoubleume, simsoes, gaiahypothesims and anyone else who wants to do this! 😀 Rules: bold traits that apply... Continue Reading →

Negative traits meme :D

Tagged by Lyrea on Tumblr ❤ Thank you so muuuuch! *____* I decided to do this one for the twins, so technically speaking you get two for the price of one 😀 I tag: enchandycorn, nocturnalazure, lunanelfeah, blackswan-sims, esotheria-sims, ultroslovesyou, vampireacademysims, jepensedoncjesims, vampireacademysims & anyone else who wants to do this! 😀 Rules: bold traits... Continue Reading →

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