Oh sure! Let’s play! 32, 27 and 3

Aaaaw, yisss! 😀 Thank you for the questions, dear! ❤ 32. Likes socks Jorn XD being Swedish, he definitely learned to appreciate a good pair of warm socks, especially on a cold winter’s night. Sure, he doesn’t need them at all now that he’s a vampire, but he still has quite a few in his wardrobe... Continue Reading →

When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, then send it to the last 10 people you have notes from in your activity :)

Eeeep, thank you so much, dear! *___* sorry it took me so long to reply, buuut… here’s my list, at last! :DNutella milkshake. I know I already mentioned Nutella in a similar post before, but… yeah. I just love anything containing Nutella, okay?Singing in the car 😀 Being able to get my students to actually... Continue Reading →

Feelings tag

Got tagged by @wannabecatwriter, thank you so much, dear! *___*RULES: It’s not just our Brooding Sims who have the option to ‘Talk About Feelings’; we can also talk about our feelings, about them, too! Look deep into yourself and ponder on the thoughts which motivate you to play the game we all love. Then tag at... Continue Reading →

Replies! :D <3

@nornities replied to your post: Good luck! :)@soloriya replied to your post:good luck, hun! ♥@budgie2budgie replied to your post:It’s gonna be great! Good luck :)@blackswan-sims replied to your post:Good luck, dear! :)@esotheria-sims replied to your post:Don’t worry, you got this! ♡@mspoodle1 replied to your post:Best of luck!@furryjackal replied to your post:Good luck hon! I’m sure you’ll do... Continue Reading →

Super late (as usual) replies! :D

@furryjackal replied to your photoset: Yeah I need to do that for my guys. I know Thomas is a Cancer but he has a lot of Scorpio inquisitiveness and Evan is a Leo but his nature is more stoic and reserved like a Taurus… Now I shall have to consider this!Doooo eeet! 😀 Playing with rising signs... Continue Reading →

10 questions meme! :D

Got tagged by @furryjackal! ^____^ Thank you so much, dear, loved the questions! 😀 Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag some friends 1. Do you prefer pre-mades or your OCs?Obvious answer is obvious: I prefer my own OCs 😀 I do enjoy reading... Continue Reading →

Replies! :D

@shaysugar ha risposto al tuo post “List 5 facts about your most favorite sim of yours and send this to 10…” Lucky bastard���� I’d love to see him build a family �� Haha! 😀 Well, who knows… I’ll admit my plans for Nigel as far as relationships go are still kind of a W.I.P., but... Continue Reading →

Replies! :D – Part I

@shaysugar​ replied to your photoset: Love love looove that final image. Such motion and emotion!Thanks! *_____* That last pic is my favourite, too! :D@remussims​ replied to your photoset: WOOOOOOWWWW:D <3@blackswan-sims​ replied to your photoset: Oh my! Love it! ❤ And by the by, my SO has had those books for a long time and he approves!D’aaaaaw,... Continue Reading →

I got tagged by @asimplevampire​ for the 5 facts meme!  Thank you so muuuuuch! *____* I love you too, btw! ♥♥♥ Sooo, let’s see: since my favourite good guys already got quite a bunch of 5 facts lists dedicated to them, I figured… why not going for the bad guys, this time? 😀 I’ll start... Continue Reading →

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