Get to know my playstyle

I was tagged for the playstyle meme by @esotheria-sims​, wheee! Thank you so much, my dear! ❤ I’m not too sure who has already been tagged for this and who hasn’t, so I’m gonna tag anyone who wants to do it and hasn’t been tagged yet U___U go ahead and say I tagged you! Family... Continue Reading →

Replies! :D

@ninthcirclets3cc reblogged your post and added: Agreed, Peacy made some quality male CC for TS3.Yep! @shaysugar replied to your photoset: It looks really nice!! Well done handling all those components. I’d end up with just bubbles lolLol, nooooes XD it’s actually pretty easy, really. You do have to be careful when mixing the components (you... Continue Reading →

“This is my jam” – tag

Tagged by @murfeelee​ and @esotheria-sims​! Thank you so muuuuch! ^__^Rules: Pick a song that lifts your mood. Pick 10 people. Lift them up. Keep it going (no obligation)! Share the music, share the love. Yes, YES, I know I’m being horribly predictable and really effin’ unoriginal here, but I can’t help it, okay? D: When... Continue Reading →

Astraea’s replies be like:

Replies to comments from Sept. 22nd to Oct. 31st. Yep, I’m THAT slow. @esotheria-sims replied to your photo: Awww yisss, that cocktail of mods works miracles! 😀 Now, if you also add a terrain+road replacement to the mix, your TS2 hood will look like a pretty modded TS3 game in no time. 🙂 My personal... Continue Reading →

Long-overdue replies – Part II

Seriously, it took me… what, a month to answer these? ;___; Two? ;___; And I have A LOT MORE I have yet to answer D: Sorryyyy ;__;@esotheria-sims replied to your post: You know that I love reading about Chris. 😀 I don’t have any sims in my game atm (the ‘perks’ of having a fresh... Continue Reading →

The Adfly mess: a reply post

Yup, I know I have a whole bunch of other (much older) comments I need to reply to, sorry ;___; I’ll answer those soon, okay? ;___; <3@0201-sims replied to your post: Noooooo!!!! :OYup -___- @ninjaofthepurplethings  replied to your post: That’s awful D: Urgh! I feel so bad for you… so stressful! :(Yep, when I realised... Continue Reading →

Shuffle tag! :D

I was tagged by @esotheria-sims for this, yayyyyy! *____*So… I basically made a mix of stuff I usually listen to while I’m driving to work + stuff I’m listening to on Youtube when I’m at home and hit randomize to see what happened.  Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Eurythmics (just one of my favourite... Continue Reading →

Replies! :D <3

@nornities replied to your post: Good luck! :)@soloriya replied to your post:good luck, hun! ♥@budgie2budgie replied to your post:It’s gonna be great! Good luck :)@blackswan-sims replied to your post:Good luck, dear! :)@esotheria-sims replied to your post:Don’t worry, you got this! ♡@mspoodle1 replied to your post:Best of luck!@furryjackal replied to your post:Good luck hon! I’m sure you’ll do... Continue Reading →

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