A mini-continuation to this 😀 Technically speaking, there should have been a few more scenes in there and perhaps even a couple of balloons, but I couldn’t get the pictures to look the way I wanted to for the life of me, so this was the only decent shot I managed to take :’D

Saw quite a bunch of mermaid AUs around due to Mermay... and eventually got the inspiration to make a little one myself 😀  No, this isn’t going to be a full story or anything like that, but I may post a few random episodes here and there from time to time

I did a thing 😀  One of the things that were bothering me the most about Adrian’s house in The Emergency Coven was the lack of a garage: the man was always supposed to have one (being as attached to his Harley as he is, it’d be weird for him to leave it out under... Continue Reading →

nocturnalazure asked: 6, 18, 22 and 43 pleaaaaaase! 😀 6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? Well, Adrian as a sim was made using Aaron as base, and if you look closely you can definitely see the similarities there :'D You're welcome for the nightmare-inducing pic above, btw 😀  Also, I... Continue Reading →


The Emergency Coven Tarot Series: Strength Upright meanings: courage, kindness, inner strength. Reversed meanings: lack of confidence, suppressed feelings, avoiding responsibilities. In classic depictions, the Strength card shows a woman dressed in white taming a lion. Despite the danger, she seems to be perfectly calm and in control of the situation. The lion also appears... Continue Reading →

Realm of Magic spam! :D

Realm of Magic is finally here! *______________* Have some picspam of Adrian's first attempts at magic in game. He actually did pretty well in his duel against Morgyn... at least until Morgyn decided that they had enough of playing around and kicked Adrian's butt in a single move :'D

I'm back from my holidays 😀 and here's a Maxis match Adrian 😀

Character Judgment call

RULES: You can only say guilty or innocent. Don’t explain anything unless someone asks you. Tagged by @enchandycorn, wheeee! *____* Soooooo… I know Chris is your favourite, but I’m afraid the man is way too innocent for this (seriously, he was only guilty of 14 things out of 40+… and most of them were super... Continue Reading →

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