I did a thing 😀 

One of the things that were bothering me the most about Adrian’s house in The Emergency Coven was the lack of a garage: the man was always supposed to have one (being as attached to his Harley as he is, it’d be weird for him to leave it out under the sun and the rain ò__ò), plus in my first draft of the story, said garage was going to become one of the main hangouts for the good guys: let’s face it, Adrian’s house is tiny and not the best place to host a ton of people :’D 

Why didn’t I add one right from the start? Simple: because I suck at building in TS3 :’D What I wanted was something like this… well, not exactly, but you get the idea: an elevated entrance and a garage attached to the house. Sadly, you can’t achieve something similar without using cheats and I honestly didn’t feel like spending ages to figure out how to make the damn thing work D: Plus, as I like to have my houses somewhat playable, I wasn’t sure whether cheats would mess up playability or not. I thought I could add a separate garage, but the first time I tried it, I didn’t like it. Eventually I ended up using that default house in Midnight Hollow -which had the perfect floorplan for Adrian’s house- and scrapped the garage altogether. 

…Until today 😀 I was re-reading my outline for upcoming chapters of the EC and told myself “you know, this scene would really work better if Adrian had his garage”, so I decided to give it another try. Somehow, I managed to make it so that it fits into his lot, doesn’t look *too* bad together with the rest of the house… AND is coherent with what little we saw of the surroundings of Adrian’s house so far 😀 my main worry was that it’d be visible from Adrian’s bedroom, but that’s not really the case. 

So yup, we might see the garage making an appearance in the future! 😀 

Fun fact: the bottles you see are not potions, but only a bunch of spare bottles he keeps just in case. Adrian thought it’d be safer to keep his actual potions at home where he could keep an eye on them… little did he know that a certain rocker would manage to destroy them all anyway :’D 

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