OC questions meme

Eternal-Infamy over at Tumblr asked me a bunch of OC memes, soooo… here we go ^__^

2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?

Chris. Although we do not necessarily share the same views/taste on everything, we do have quite a bunch of personality traits in common and he’s definitely the kind of person I’d like to talk to in real life. Another favorite of mine would be Aaron: despite the fact that we’re *nothing* alike, his energy and personality make him super fun to write! 😀

4. A character you rarely talk about?

Far too many of them, I’m afraid D: having a story featuring so many characters, there are obviously going to be some that aren’t going to appear as often as others, but still, here are a few I think could use more love 😀 

  • Nigel: since his first appearance on my blog in 2013, Nigel has been seen as a model in random photoshoots and has made an appearance in a few OC memes, but for now his presence in the story is limited to… four chapters in total ._. his story arc is still at the very beginning and there’s A LOT I still need to show about him… which I can’t really talk about, since that’d mean spoiling the hell out of the story, hence why I don’t talk about him so often D: but I can tell you that he’s gonna have a quite important role in the future 🙂 
  • Father Gavriel: poor dude doesn’t get a whole lot of photoshoots because honestly, finding clothes that are suited for a priest is a nightmare and I don’t like showing my characters always wearing the same stuff :’D also, his role in the story at first wasn’t as well defined as that of some other characters, hence why he wasn’t mentioned very often, especially at first. I can proudly say that I’m now at a point where he’s got a proper story arc with quite a bunch of appearances planned throughout the story, so we’re gonna see more of him (very) soon 😀 
  • Eljas: okay, my reasons for not talking much about him here are quite different. On the one hand, there *are* some spoiler-ish things I’d rather not talk about for now, hence why I avoid saying much about Eljas. On the other hand… there’s my constant struggle with his personality :’D because let’s face it, Eljas IS kind of a wallflower. He’s shy, he’s never interacted with anyone outside of his family for the past ten years, he’s not really used to questioning whatever the adults say unless his health or that of people around him is put at risk, he doesn’t share his secrets and he keeps (most of) his questions for himself… basically, he doesn’t talk a lot unless he’s forced to, period. Writing chapters with him is a constant fight to balance his wallflower attitude with his other personality traits without jumping into OoC territory… and boy, is that hard to do D: so I’m often afraid that he comes off as a somewhat flat character, in part because he doesn’t talk much in the story and in part because I don’t talk much about him outside of the story ;___;

10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? 

Not Emergency Coven related, but… Sieg. 

This asshole is supposed to have tattoos covering the entirety of his body… but I can’t bring myself to work on them for the life of me, so I just keep throwing on him whatever vaguely intricated CC tattoo design I can find around, whether it makes sense or not :’D

14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory 

Well, I guess Chris definitely wins the Angsty McAngst prize here, closely followed (in no particular order) by Jorn, Tyresias and Adrian D:

21. Your most artistic OC

Regan! 😀 She can dance, paint, draw, sew, knit (badly, but hey, she tries :’D)… and she loves to craft all sorts of little things! *_* 

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