Ten years challenge – Sims Edition: Tyresias

Time to see some old pics of the twins! 😀

Then: 10 years ago, Tyler and Regan were about 17 years old, still living in London and they had absolutely no idea who Louis even was or what being a werewolf meant. Life was much easier, at least for Regan, who was a brilliant student at school and dreaming of the day she’d become a painter. Tyler was facing a few more issues: he was starting to get tired of constantly hiding his powers and his beliefs to his parents, he could barely stand school anymore and, let’s be honest, he was also a little jealous of his sister succeeding in pretty much everything she did, while he seemed to be incapable of doing anything good. So he pretty much gave up on trying to be a “good boy” and started to do basically everything his parents always told him not to do: smoking cigarettes and pot, getting drunk and getting himself in trouble as much as he could. Yes, he was an angsty teen ò___ò

Now: two werewolves trying to survive. After the accident, Tyler became much more responsible, while Regan… yeah, probably she’s the one having the toughest time adapting to her new life. But, even though they hate Louis and everything he did to them, it’s also true that the accident helped them realize just how much they care for each other and their bond is now stronger than ever. What is truly difficult, now, is learning to trust other people again.

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