10 TV series meme :)

Felt like doing this one as well 😀

Same rules as the previous post: list 10 series you love, only post gifs, no titles. Tagging anyone who feels like doing this ^____^

Edit: forgot one XD fixed!


Moar gifs under the cut ^___^


(I mean, I would have liked #10 even more if it wasn’t for the fact that they decided to portray the only neapolitan character(s) in the show as a camorra enforcer(s) + turned the last episode into a fucking Gomorra episode, but alas. As neapolitans, we already get enough of this shitty representation from the rest of Italy and we REALLY didn’t need moar directors to do the same to our city. Granted, they did show a lot of the “good” sides of the city with pretty sceneries and all, but then pretty much killed it all with the final carnage and I just can’t help but still feel bitter about it . Still, loved the characters and the story, and I wish Netflix didn’t brutally cut it the way it did ;___;)

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