You’re doing an OC meme? :D Do 3, 6, 9, 20 and 27! I know, I know, that’s a lot, but I want MOAR facts about Adrian! :D

Yay, more questions for Adrian, from esotheria-sims! 😀 Thank you, dear, and don’t worry about asking several of them, I love doing these things ❤


3. Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?
Philadelphia accent ftw! 😀 Well, it’s not as strong nowadays as it used to be when he first moved into the new town, but you can still hear it when he pronounces some words (like “shtreet” instead of “street” and “woder” for “water”) and/or when there’s an L or a T involved somewhere (and so “talk” becomes “tawk” and “dentist” turns into “dennis”) 😀 

6. If you were to pick one song – and only one song – to describe your character, what would it be and why?
Devils and Dust by Bruce Springsteen. Not only because he’s a die-hard fan of that guy, but also because… well…

I got my finger on the trigger
But I don’t know who to trust
When I look into your eyes
There’s just devils and dust
We’re a long, long way from home, Bobbie
Home’s a long, long way from us
I feel a dirty wind blowing
Devils and dust

I got God on my side
And I’m just trying to survive
What if what you do to survive
Kills the things you love
Fear’s a powerful thing, baby
It can turn your heart black you can trust
It’ll take your God filled soul
And fill it with devils and dust

Yes, the song is about war, but it pretty much describes how he feels everyday, too D:

9. Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
D’aaaw, I like this question, ‘cos dreams and bad nights were *exactly* one of the main themes of his original background! 😀 He was never much of a sleeper, ever since he was a kid, but after he started using retrocognition to solve cases… things turned out to be even harder D: he would often have nightmares in which the scenes from the crimes and murders he saw in his visions would re-appear in his dreams again and again, until he’d just wake up all sweaty and scared.This was particularly frequent ten years ago, while he was investigating on the “cult” for the first time: when the nightmares got really bad, he would just stay up all night and maybe have a bit of a walk around the garden of his house so to take a breath of fresh air and calm down.

20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
That… thing that ruined his life. If only he could do that…

27. If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be?
“I love you.” Just that.

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