Yes, I know, lots of TS4 stuff, lately D: haven’t forgotten about TS3, it’s just that in these days I’ve been lacking time/inspiration to take decent pics! D:

Eh… anyway 😀

I tried to recycle a TS2 lipblend I made to create some default replacement lips for TS4! 😀 they didn’t turn out too bad for a first attempt, even if some presets still need to be worked on. The extremely small game textures are EVIL, however: not only it’s difficult to see what the hell you’re actually working on, they also turn out to be VERY blurry once you bring them in game D: hope to finish them one day or another, anyway! ^_^

Also, using this little space here to write a big THANK YOU to all of those who commented, reblogged and liked my latest posts in these days *_____* I love you! ❤ ❤ ❤

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